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LAUNDRY NET BAG-60 X 60 CM 粗網方型洗衣袋....12 PCS/BAG, 360 PCS / CS

  • Perfectly good for delicates, lingerie, sweaters, knits, bras, un-derwear, active wear and baby clothes.

  • Protect and Organize:  Mesh bags protect your garments from tangling, snagging, or pulling in washer or dryer.   While also minimizing the chance of colors bleeding into each other.  Great for organizing your clothes when packing for a trip. 
  • Durable and Reusable:  Made of strong, long lasting polypropylene ny-lon.   Soap and water flow easily through the mesh for optimal cleaning.
  • Worry-Free Zippers:   Automatic lock so zipper won’t open when washing and drying, zipper cover for extra protection, no rust.   Zip up and protect your clothes while washing and drying.



  1. 探用獨特網屏織造,能給衣物最完整的保護
  2. 防止洗衣機攪伴時,衣物糾結、磨損、變形
  3. 防止攪拌時衣物鈕釦相拉捉而脫落的情形 洗滌時裝之物放入洗衣袋約七分滿,使衣物能獲 得充分攪拌達到最佳的洗靜效果



將衣物分類、分袋分置,確保洗衣衛生品質 深淺顏色衣物需分袋、分開洗滌,避免染色

用途: 洗衣用 清潔方式:水洗



#805128 LAUNDRY NET BAG-60 X 60 CM 粗網方型洗衣袋

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