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#803252 CHAHUA PLATIC CUP-1441 塑膠口杯...60 PCS/CS

  • plastic. Lightweight, durable and waterproof.
  • It is suitable for a travel, camping or a business trip.
  • Convenience and portable. 
  • It can make your toiletries more tidy and clean.



  1. 杯身一體成型,質地堅硬,摔不爛,經久耐用
  2. 杯口打磨圓潤光滑,無毛刺,不傷嘴
  3. 採用原生pp材質,無添加回收料,無異味
  4. 耐溫力強,無論是倒入冰水還是熱水,都不怕,溫度隨心掌控
  5. 大容量,充分滿足日常刷牙漱口的需求,避免多次添水的麻煩
  6. 帶把手設計,不必擔心手滑,端水方便,拿取使用,握感很舒適

#803252 CHAHUA PLATIC CUP-1441 塑膠口杯

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